Sandra Dewi 5Who doesn’t familiar with Sandra Dewi? She’s a beautiful Indonesian artist who has the full name Monica Nicolle Sandra Dewi Gunawan Basri who was born in Pangkal Pinang on August 8th 1983. She’s not only talented in entertainment, but also in education as well, especially culture. It’s proven on December 10th 2015 that she received an appreciation from the Prime Minister of South Korea for her participation in presenting Korean culture to Indonesia. She’s active in presenting Korean culture without forgetting her own culture, and thanks to her hard work, the results are very satisfying.

We have to be proud for having Indonesian artists that have been recognized abroad. The relation between Indonesia and South Korea becomes closer even more because they understand their culture each other. Sandra feels very happy as she shared her happiness via her Instagram account. This was welcomed warmly by the Indonesians. This also proves that both Indonesia and South Korea are rich in culture. We must preserve the culture we have.

We don’t only have to be proud of her, but we also have to be proud of our own culture. Make our culture to be well-known in other countries. Be like her, which in here means that take the example of her deeds for Indonesia. As a young generation, we have a very great opportunity to do the best things. We must improve the abilities we have in ourselves. Later, it can lead u to become the Indonesian Ambassador for national or even international events. Don’t waste your time, so there will be no regret later on.

By: Windy Widiawan