This song is written by Yiruma. He is the one of the most talented pianist. Kiss the Rain is the one of his famous creation.

Kiss the Rain tells us about sadness. He wants to show us that rain is meaningful. How to kiss the rain? Rain has made every fields grow, makes us calm and cool. But, in other hand, there were floods, which make people die and suffer.

Yiruma concerned about the sadness. If you listen to this song, you will feel better, happier in a peaceful way. At that time, you’ll forget your problems. The meaning of Kiss the Rain is to accept your problem as a part of your life which you have to face. You can face your problems happily.

Kiss the Rain, a very meaningful song. You can make a perspective about this song. Kiss is a word that has the meaning of friendly condition, love and togetherness. Rain is sadness, happiness, sorrow, fun and other perspectives according to each person. But, we have the word kiss to explain this song: can you tell us? Love and togetherness in sadness or happiness

By: Yosef Endika Widiyanto